A cows natural milk production begins with colostrum and transitions to mature milk In the first 4 weeks. This transition milk contains higher protein & fat than mature milk and continues to provide enzymes and antibodies for the calves immune system.
The Guardian Milk Replacer line with Shield Technology mimics mother’s transition milk using natural ingredients not found in milk replacers – until now! Formulated with our new Shield Technology specifically designed to signal the calves immune system to action at the first sign of disease.
The importance of colostrum cannot be overstated. Each calf must consume 4-6 L of high quality colostrum within 6 hours of birth preferably from its own dam. The Guardian Program is designed to follow colostrum feeding.
Guardian™ Transition – 24-24-27
- High protein, high fat
- Mimics a cows own transition milk
- Shield Technology initiates calves naïve immune system
After 4 weeks the calf has now gained some body fat for insulation against the environment.
When a calf is switched from colostrum to milk replacer and all those components are no longer provided, this is where the Guardian™ Program steps in to direct that calf’s immune system.
Typically the first 4 weeks of a calf’s life is when they are the most susceptible to being overrun by disease. We know a calf’s immune system is not fully developed for years, as evidenced by the colostrum of first calf heifers being the poorest colostrum as she herself is still working on her immunity library. Guardian™Transition provides highly digestible milk protein at a high level for increased growth. The high level of 27% fat mimics the dams transition milk and helps to guide the immune system just like mom’s milk would.
Transition Milk:
Natural Milk production from a cow does not go directly from colostrum to mature milk. The phase in between which is often referred to as Transition Milk is produced in the four week period following calving. Calves are born with very little body fat and therefore the cow supplies more fat through the milk to provide energy. In utero the calf is provided all of its nutrients, immunity, hormones and enzymes through the placenta. Once born and separated from the uterus the calf now needs to begin developing its own nutrient absorption, immunity and enzyme production. Transition milk has higher protein and a higher fat content and is often viewed as the transition from colostrum to mature milk production but in fact has another purpose as it helps the calf transition from all components being provided in utero to producing its own. This does not happen overnight and in fact takes weeks and even years to fully develop. The cow knows this and provides transition milk full of components such as insulin, IGF-1, growth hormones and cytokines that direct the calves naïve immune system while it starts to create its own library to battle disease exposure.
Guardian™ Foster – 24-24-17
- Lower fat to encourage starter intake for rumen development
- High level of protein for lean body deposition for frame growth
- Continues to include Shield Technology for immune system support while maternal immunity begins to fade
Whole milk contents vary during production and is not consistent week to week. Nutritional consistency, content and supply are key to consistent growth in calves.
Mature Milk:
After four weeks the calf has been exposed to diseases in its environment, Guardian™ Transition has helped that calf through those challenges while it is starting to develop its own library of immunity. This library is not complete at 4 weeks but the calf has started developing memory cells for the challenges it is currently up against. It is still important to continue to include Guardian™ until the calf is weaned as there are still more challenges to come.
After four weeks on Guardian™Transition milk replacer, the calf has now gained some of its own fat and has some insulation against the environment. Guardian™ Foster is this next step for a heaithy calf. Like mom, Guardian™ Foster naturally decreases the fat content to mature milk levels. With 17% fat, which maintains a good amount of fat for energy and with a level of 24% protein, Guardian™ Foster promotes lean deposition to develop the frame of the calf without depositing fat in sensitive areas.
Intake of Guardian™ Foster between weeks 4 and 15 means that the calf is consuming high amounts of highly digestible protein from the milk as it starts to consume starter and develop the rumen. The recommended feeding program on the label indicates a drop to 6 L/day at six weeks of age and then continue to reduce the volume fed until weaning. This is important to encourage starter intake and for a smooth easy weaning off milk altogether once the calf is consuming 2 kg of starter per day.
Guardian™ Flex – 20-20-17
- When whole milk is not enough
- Use as a milk replacer or increase the solids content of whole milk
- Shield Technology is included to support the calves immune system
Guardian™ Flex is the perfect product for customers who switch between milk replacer and whole milk.
When whole milk is plentiful but not enough
Nearly half of all dairy calves raised are fed a diet of whole milk in the pre-weaned stage. The source of this nutrition is primarily waste milk, salable milk or a combination of the two. While milk has been deemed “nature’s most perfect food,” and calves have been shown to perform very well on it, we are learning that there are ways we can optimize the consistency and nutritive value of milk fed to calves.
Primary concerns with this feeding method is Nutritional Consistency, Content and Supply. Limit those concerns by using Guardian™ Flex.
Guardian™ Flex Is formulated to act as a whole milk balancer. It is an economical way to increase the protein in whole milk while providing the important immune system booster. It is also an effective feed milk replacer.
Guardian™ Flex has the ideal ratio of 1:4 of protein to fat.
Guardian™ Flex is the perfect product for your customers who switch between milk replacer and whole milk. This one product provides consistent components of nutrition and immunity needs through the calf milk feeding stages.
Guardian™ Flex can be used to increase the solids content of whole milk and also can be used as a milk replacer.